Generally speaking, you can only secure your freedom after an arrest without using your money if you are eligible for Own Recognizance (O.R.) release. An O.R. release is a type of bond where you promise the court in writing that you will attend your future court appearances. Another alternative way to secure your freedom without any initial financial costs is by securing no money down (zero percent) bail bonds.

Unlike the usual bail bonds in which the bondsman will require you to make a down payment, also known as a premium, you will not need any down payment when you secure no money down bail bond services. Although it sounds like a fantastic idea, not every arrestee qualifies for zero percent down bonds.

A bail bondsman can examine your case to determine whether you qualify for no down payment Norco bail bonds to secure your temporary freedom after an arrest.

Bail Bonds at a Glance

It could seem like you have zero options upon arrest as an offender or suspect in a particular criminal case, which is untrue. An arrest can occur to anyone and does not mean you are guilty of the alleged offense. Before the court determines whether you are guilty, you can post bail to secure temporary freedom as your case continues.

Unlike what many presume, bail is not a punishment for your violation. Instead, it is the financial guarantee you or a bondsman offers to the court to assure the judge you will promptly return to court on each scheduled proceeding as required until your case is over.

When determining a fair bail for your case, the judge will evaluate your criminal record, the seriousness of the offense, community ties, and several other factors, like your ability to pay and your attorney's mitigating arguments.

The services of a bail bondsman come in handy if you are indigent or cannot afford the required bail for your violation. You can also rely on the services of a bondsman if you do not want to stress your friends or family members into bailing you out of jail, or perhaps you are not willing to put your savings at risk for your freedom.

Once you contact a bondsman for reliable Norco bail bond services, you have the following information ready:

  • Your jail booking number
  • Your legal name
  • The name of the alleged charge
  • Name and location of the jail where you are in custody

The bondsman will begin the bail bond process immediately after receiving this information and paying the required premium (service fee). How long it will take to secure your freedom after this procedure depends on several factors, including how busy or crowded the jail is, the paperwork needed, and the number of officers on duty that day.

It is worth noting that attending your future court hearings and complying with the court-set conditions is mandatory for you, the defendant, once you secure your brief freedom on bond. When you fail to do so, the bondsman will partner with bounty hunters to locate you and bring you back into custody to challenge the allegations.

Aside from putting the collateral you surrendered to the bondsman as security for your brief release from the detention facility at risk, skipping bail or failing to make your court appearance is a crime that could attract some penalties.

Eligibility Criteria for No Money Down Norco Bail Bonds Services

No money bail bonds can allow you or your loved one to secure his/her freedom without paying any upfront fees to your bondsman. However, not every arrestee qualifies for this option to secure his/her freedom. You will likely qualify for no money down Norco bail bond services if:

You Can Offer Collateral

The bondsman could require you to surrender collateral to secure no money down bail bonds services. A collateral acts as security for your release from jail on bond, especially when the money the bondsman is risking for your freedom is high. The collateral the bondsman will accept could include, (but is not limited) to the following:

  • Cars
  • Jewelry
  • Real estate
  • Houses

You Have a Job

Being employed shows the bondsman you can settle his/her service fee over time. An extended employment record is an added advantage because it shows you have a steady and consistent income to settle your bail bonds fee without hassle.

You Have a Reliable and Trustworthy Cosigner

If you have a friend, colleague, or family member with excellent credit history and consistent employment, he/she can cosign your bail bond. That means using their excellent standing to convince the bondsman that you can settle his/her services fee.

You Have an Excellent Credit Record

An excellent credit history shows you have no record of defaulting to settle your loans or credit. That means you can settle the bail bond fee over the agreed period or qualify for loans to settle the bondsman's fee.

You are a Local Resident

Having connections or ties with your community could increase your chances of qualifying for no money down Norco bail bonds services because it shows you are not a flight risk. For instance, being a church leader could indicate close ties with your community. That means you will be available to attend all your future court dates.

You Do Not Have a Record of Skipping Bail

If you have a record of failing to make your court appearances after securing your freedom on bail following an arrest, there is a high chance you will not qualify for bail bonds with no money down or upfront payment.

You are a First-Time Offender

The bondsman will likely offer you no money down bail bonds services if you do not have a criminal history.

The eligibility criteria for no money down bail bonds services can be extensive, but that does not make you ineligible. Every case is unique, and a reliable bail bondsman understands that. Therefore, even if you think you are ineligible, contacting a bondsman to know whether you are an excellent candidate for zero deposit bail bonds is a great idea.

A reliable bondsman can explore other alternatives to help you secure your freedom on bond without breaking the bank.

Benefits of Securing Zero Deposit Bail Bonds Services

If you are eligible for no money down or zero deposit bail bond services, you should be happy because it is an advantageous way of securing your freedom upon an arrest. Explained below are some of the benefits of securing zero deposit bail bond services following an arrest:

  1. You Will Secure Quick Release From Jail

Undoubtedly, finding yourself behind bars as a suspect in a criminal offense can be stressful. If you are in jail for any alleged offense, securing your freedom without delay should be your priority. Once you contact a bondsman, he/she will do everything necessary to help you secure a fast release from the detention facility to return to your family and prepare for future court hearings in the comfort of your home.

  1. You Do Not Have to Liquidate Your Property

Sometimes, paying bail could be expensive, forcing you to liquidate your property or blow your savings to secure your freedom. However, with the help of a bondsman, you can secure your freedom on a bond without putting yourself in a financial problem.

  1. You Will Save Money

Zero-deposit bail bonds help you save money since zero-deposit bail bonds do not require you to make any upfront payments to secure your freedom. If you meet the required eligibility criteria, the bondsman will offer you quick Norco bail bond services to secure your release from jail.

  1. Your Information Will Be Confidential

A reliable bondsman understands the importance of confidentiality in legal matters. That means your bondsman can handle the entire bail bond process honestly and carefully. The agreement you will sign with your bondsman will remain confidential, meaning there is no chance the information could land in the hands of a third party.

  1. You Will Have a Perfect Opportunity to Prepare for Your Trial

While you can still prepare for your trial while in jail, being stuck behind bars can limit your ability to work hand in hand with your attorney to prepare defenses to challenge the allegations you are up against. Once you secure your freedom on bond, you will have adequate and ample time to talk to eyewitnesses and your attorney to prepare the best legal defenses for your charge.

Common Offenses That Could Make You Eligible for Zero Deposit Norco Bail Bonds Services

As mentioned above, the bondsman will consider the severity of your offense when determining whether you are eligible for zero deposit or down payment bail bonds. To that end, explained below are common crimes that could make you eligible for zero down payment bail bonds to secure your temporary freedom upon an arrest:

DUI (Driving Under the Influence)

If you are arrested or charged with DUI, you will automatically serve jail time, even if it is your first offense. The minimum detention period is forty-eight (48) hours, up to a maximum of six (6) months. However, with the services of a bail bondsman, you can avoid detention before your case's trial date.

Domestic Violence (DV)

Also referred to as corporal injury to a cohabitant or spouse, DV is a low-risk case that could make you an excellent candidate for no down payment bail bond services to secure your temporary freedom after an arrest.

If you are under arrest as a suspect in a DV case, you can sign an agreement or promissory note with your bondsman, agreeing to pay his/her services fee over a certain period after your release.

Child Endangerment

You commit the offense of child endangerment when you intentionally place a child under eighteen years in a dangerous situation that puts his/her safety and health at risk. If you are a first-time offender, you could qualify for no down payment bail bonds if you or your cosigner have an excellent employment history.


According to PC 459.5, you commit the offense of shoplifting when you willingly enter a commercial building with the criminal intent to steal goods or merchandise worth $950 or less once inside. Since the bail amount for misdemeanor offenses, like shoplifting, is not high, the bondsman could agree to offer you no down payment bail bond services to secure your freedom upon an arrest.

Other offenses that could make you eligible for no down payment bail bonds include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • DUI causing injury
  • Court order violations
  • Child abuse

Once you contact a bail bondsman of your choice, he/she will evaluate your unique case to determine whether it qualifies you to secure zero deposit bail bonds.

Now that you know the offenses eligible for no down payment bail bonds, you would want to know which will not. Generally speaking, the following offenses will make you ineligible for zero-deposit bail bond services upon arrest:

  • Prostitution
  • Fraud
  • Pimping
  • Petty theft
  • Pandering
  • Illegal drugs charges
  • Identity theft

Factors to Consider When Finding a Dependable Bondsman

There are several bondsmen out there, but not all of them you can rely on for quick bail bond services. To avoid settling for the services of a mediocre bondsman when your freedom is at stake, you should consider the following factors when looking for a dependable bondsman to bail you out of jail:

  • The bondsman's experience
  • The bondsman's availability
  • The bondsman's reputation
  • Whether the bondsman is experienced

Find Norco Bail Bonds Services Near Me

Unlike what many think, no money-down bail bonds are not only for indigent defendants or those struggling financially. As long as you meet the required criteria, you could qualify for zero-deposit bail bonds to secure your freedom without draining your savings or the money you would use for your legal services.

At Fausto Bail Bonds, we understand this and work to ensure no money-down bail bonds are accessible to our clients 24/7. Call us at 855-328-7867 to schedule your initial consultation with our bondsmen for quick Norco bail bond services.